Relevant Selected Research Peer-Reviewed Publications
Links are included for articles available for viewing on PubMed. For full list of publications, please refer to the Pediatric Rehabilitation Consultants' individual CV's.
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Cerebral Palsy
Mulcahey M, Slavin M, Pengsheng N, Vogel L, Kozin S, Haley S, Baraat N, Jette A. Computer adaptive tests detect change following rthopedic surgery in youth with cerebral palsy. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014;97:1482-1494. PMID: 26378264
Palisano R, Orlin M, Chiarello L, Oeffinger D, Polansky M, Maggs J, Gorton G, Tylkowski C, Vogel L, Abel M, Stevenson R. Determinants of intensity of participation in leisure and recreational activities by youth with cerebral palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92:1468-1476. PMID: 21878219
Muscular Dystrophy
Sienko, S, Buckon, C., Fowler, E., Bagley, A., Staudt, L., Sison-Willamson, M., Zebracki, K., McDonald, C., Sussman, M. Prednisone and Deflazacort in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: do they play a different role in child behavior and perceived quality of life? PLOS Currents Muscular Dystrophy, 2016; Jun 17(1). PMID: 27525172
Zebracki K., Drotar D. Pain and activity limitations in children with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008;50(7):546-552. PMID: 18611207
Zebracki K, Thawrani D, Oswald T, Anadio J, Sturm P, Spine Deformity Study Group. Predictors of emotional functioning in youth after surgical correction of idiopathic scoliosis. J Pediatr Orthop. 2013;33(6): 624-627. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0b013e318288b77f . PMID: 23774201
Mehta S, Betz R, Mulcahey M, McDonald C, Vogel L, Anderson C. Effect of bracing on paralytic scoliosis secondary to spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med. 2004;27:S88-S92. PMID: 15503709
Dearolf W, Betz R, Vogel L, Levin J, Clancy M, Steel H. Scoliosis in pediatric spinal-cord injured patients. J Pediatr Orthop. 1990;10:214-218. PMID: 2312704
Spina Bifida
Mukherjee, S., Zebracki, K. & Wiesenberger, L. Community participation and transition outcomes with youth with spina bifida and other chronic health conditions in an urban children’s hospital outpatient clinic. Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports, 2019; 7, 89-93. doi: 10.1007/s40141-019-00217-8
Holbein C, Zebracki K, Holmbeck G. Development and validation of the Peer Interaction Macro-cording System scales (PIMS): A new tool for observational measurement of social competence in youth with spina bifida. Psychol Assess. 2015;26(4):1235-1246. doi:10.1037/10037062. PMID: 24932641
Holbein C, Lennon J, Kolbuck V, Zebracki K, Roache C, Holmbeck G. Observed differences in social behaviors exhibited in peer interactions between youth with spina bifida and their peers: Neuropsychological correlates. J Pediatr Psychol. 2015; 40(2): 320-335. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsu101. PMID: 25427551
Kelly E, Altiok H, Gorzkowski J, Abrams J, Vogel L. How does participation of youth with spina bifida vary by age? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2011;469:1236-1245. doi:10.1007/s11999-010-1693-x. PMID: 21116755
Holmbeck G, DeLucia C, Essner B, Kelly L, Zebracki K, Friedman D, Jandasek B. Trajectories of psychosocial adjustment in adolescents with spina bifida: A six-year four-wave longitudinal follow-up. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2010;78(4):511-525. doi: 10.1037/a0019599. PMID: 20658808
Jandasek B, Holmbeck G, DeLucia C, Zebracki K, Friedman, D. Trajectories of family processes across the adolescent transition in youth with spina bifida. J Fam Psychol. 2009;23(5):726-738. PMID: 19803608
Friedman D, Holmbeck G, DeLucia C, Jandasek B, Zebracki, K. Trajectories of autonomy development across the adolescent transition in children with spina bifida. Rehabil Psychol. 2009;54(1):16-27. PMID: 19618699
Kelly L, Zebracki K, Gershenson L, Holmbeck G. Adolescent development and family functioning in youth with spina bifida. J Pediatr Rehabil Med. 2008;1(4):291-302. PMID: 21791782
McLone D. Zebracki, K. Intelligence quotient in children with meningomyeloceles. [Editorial]. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2007;106(2):103-105. PMID: 17330534
Spinal Cord Injury
Stewart, J., Deane, K. & Zebracki, K. (in press). Transitioning to adulthood: Pediatric spinal cord injury care and beyond. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics.
Stewart, J., Deane, K., Ortiz, A., Tuttle, D., Chlan, K., & Zebracki, K. (2024). Sexual activity in adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury: Injury, demographic, and lifestyle factors. Topics in Spinal Injury Rehabilitation, 30(2).
Varni, J., Zebracki, K., Hwang, M., Mulcahey, M. & Vogel, L. (2024). Pain, pain interference, social and school/work functioning in youth with spinal cord injury: A mediation analysis. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2022.2120232. Epub 2022 Sep 23.
Varni, J., Zebracki, K., Hwang, M., Mulcahey, M. & Vogel, L. (2023). Bladder and bowel function effects on emotional functioning in youth with spinal cord injury: A serial multiple mediator analysis. Spinal Cord, 61, 415-421. doi: 10.1038/s41393-023-00912-3
Clark, O., Zebracki, K., Mroczowski, A., Espino, S., Kelly, E., Rivelli, A., & Vogel, L. (2023). Problem solving and collaborative involvement among adolescents with spinal cord injury and their caregivers. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 4: 1100707. PMID: 37456794
Deane, K., Zebracki, K., Kurapati, N.,Gill, E., & Vogel, L. (2023). Rural-urban disparities in healthcare factors and long-term health outcomes in individuals with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 4:1102441. PMID: 37275403
Pruente, J., Heinemann, A., Zebracki, K., Mukherjee, S., & Gaebler-Spira, D. (2023). Adult outcomes for children who sustained firearm-related spinal cord injuries. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 46(1), 68-74. PMID: 34232844
Zebracki, K., Hwang, M., Vogel, L., Mulcahey, M., & Varni, J. (2022). PedsQL™ Spinal Cord Injury Module: Reliability and Validity. Topics in Spinal Injury Rehabilitation, 28(1), 64-77. doi: 10.46292/sci21-00057 PMID 35145336
Dent, K., Zebracki, K., Sadowsky, C., Martin, R., Behrman, A., Lipa, B., Biering-Sorensen, F., Vogel, L. & Mulcahey, M. (2022). Evaluation of the International Spinal Cord Injury Bowel Function Basic Data Set Version 2.0 in Children and Youth with Spinal Cord Injury. Topics in Spinal Injury Rehabilitation, 28(1), 21-33. doi: 10.46292/sci19-00001 PMID 35145332
Deane, K., Chlan, K., Vogel, L. & Zebracki, K. Use of Appraisals of DisAbility Primary and Secondary Scale—Short Form (ADAPSS-sf) in Individuals with Pediatric-Onset Spinal Cord Injury. Spinal Cord, 2020; 58, 290-297. doi: 10.1038/s41393-019-0375-0 (Award: Spinal Cord Featured Paper of the Month- March 2020) PMID 31700146
Zebracki, K., Melicosta, M., Unser, C., & Vogel, L. A primary care provider’s guide to pediatric spinal cord injuries. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 2020; 26(2), 91-99. doi: 10.46292/sci2602-91 PMID 32760187
Hwang, M, Zebracki, K., Vogel, L., Varni, J., & Mulcahey, M. Development of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ Spinal Cord Injury (PedsQL™ SCI) Module: Qualitative methods. Spinal Cord, 2020;58, 1134-1142. doi: 10.1038/s41393-020-0450-6 (Award: American Spinal Injury Association Vogel Award) PMID 32269326
January, A., Kelly, E., Russell, H., Zebracki, K., & Vogel, L. Patterns of coping among caregivers of children with spinal cord injury: Associations with parent and child well-being. Families, Systems, & Health, 2019; 37 (2), 150-161. doi: 10.1037/fsh0000415 PMID 31180708
Porto, A., Anderson, L., Kalinich, T., Deane, K., Vogel, L. & Zebracki, K. Understanding transition for youth with spinal cord injury: Youth and caregiver perceptions. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 2019; 43(4), 505-511. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2019.1574437 PMID 30758272
Espino, S., Kelly, E., Rivelli, A., Zebracki, K, & Vogel, L. It is a marathon rather than a sprint: An initial exploration of unmet needs and support preferences of caregivers of children with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 2018; 56, 284-294. doi: 10.1038/s41393-017-0022-6
January, A., Kirk, S., & Zebracki, K., Chlan, K., & Vogel, L. Psychosocial and health outcomes of adults with violently acquired pediatric spinal cord injury. Topics in Spinal Injury Rehabilitation, 2018; 24(4), 363-370. doi: 10.1310/sci17-00012 PMID 30459499
Holbein, T., Zebracki, K., Bechtel, C., Papadakis, J., Bruno, E., & Holmbeck, G. Milestone achievement in emerging adulthood: a longitudinal investigation of parental expectations in a sample of young people with spina bifida. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 2017; 59, 311-316. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.13279 PMID 27651215
Hwang, M., Zebracki, K., & Vogel, L. Long-term outcomes and longitudinal changes of neurogenic bowel management in adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2017; 98, 241-248. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2016.07.004 PMID 27473299
Papadakis, J., Zebracki, K., Chlan, K., & Vogel, L. Sexuality in pediatric spinal cord injury. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 2017; 23(1), 42-48. doi: 10.1310/sci2301-42 PMID 29339876
Mulcahey, M., Vogel, L., Sheikh, M., Arango-Lasprilla, J., Augutis, M., Garner, E., Hagen, E., Jakeman, L., Kelly, E., Martin, R., Odenkirchen, J., Scheel-Sailer, A., Schottler, J., Taylor, H., Calhoun Thielen, C., and Zebracki, K. Recommendations for the National Institute for Neurologic Disorders and Stroke Spinal Cord Injury Common Data Elements for Children and Youth with SCI. Spinal Cord, 2017; 55, 331-340. PMID 27845358
Murray, C., Zebracki, K., Chlan, K., Moss, A., & Vogel, L. Medical and psychological factors related to pain in adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury: A biopsychosocial model. Spinal Cord, 2017; 55, 405-410. doi:10.1038/sc.2016.137 PMID 27670804
January, A., Zebracki, K., Chlan, K., & Vogel, L. Poor sleep in adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury: Associations with pain, health, and activity. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 2017; 40(5), 560-566. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2017.1308109 PMID 28394218
Carroll, A., Vogel, L., Zebracki, K., Noonan, V., Biering-Sorensen, F., & Mulcahey, M. Relevance of the international spinal cord injury basic data sets to youth: An inter-professional review with recommendations. Spinal Cord, 2017; 55(9), 875-881. Doi: 10.1038/sc.2017.14 PMID 28244501
Psihogios, A., Murray, C., Zebracki, K., Acevedo, L., & Holmbeck, G. Testing the utility of a bio-neuropsychosocial model for predicting medical adherence and responsibility during early adolescence in youth with spina bifida. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 2017; 42(9), 910-921. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsw092
Kelly, E., Riordan, A., Zebracki, K., Thorpe, S., & Vogel, L. Relationships between caregiver characteristics and health-related quality of life among youth with spinal cord injury. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 2016; 22(2), 149-157. doi: 10.1310/sci2016-00012 PMID 29339856
Vogel, L. & Zebracki, K. (2015). Long-term outcomes of pediatric-onset spinal cord injuries: Implications for life care planning. Journal of Life Care Planning, 13(4), 3-10.
January, A., Zebracki, K., Chlan, K., & Vogel, L. (2015). Understanding posttraumatic growth following pediatric-onset spinal cord injury: The critical role of coping strategies for facilitating positive psychological outcomes. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 57(12), 1143-1149. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.12820 PMID 26095798
Hwang M, Zebracki K, Vogel L. Medication profile and polypharmacy in adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2015;53(9):673-678. doi: 10.1038/sc.2015.62. PMID 25896344
Russell H, January A, Kelly E, Mulcahey M, Betz R, Vogel L. Patterns of Coping Strategy Use and Relationships with Psychosocial Outcomes in Adolescents with Spinal Cord Injury. J Ped Psych. 2015; 40(5),535–543. PMID 25617634
January A, Zebracki K, Czworniak A, Chlan K, Vogel L. Predictive factors of hospitalization in adults with pediatric-onset SCI: A longitudinal analysis. Spinal Cord. 2015;60(4), 328-334. PMID 25665547
Saunders LL, Selassie A, Cao Y, Zebracki K, Vogel LC. Epidemiology of pediatric traumatic spinal cord injury in a population-based cohort. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2015; 21(4), 325-332. PMID 26689697
Hwang M, Zebracki K, Vogel LC. Occupational characteristics of adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. TopSpinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2015; 21(1):10-19. doi: 10.1310/sci2101-10. PMID 25762856
Slavens BA, Schnorenberg AJ, Aurit C, Graf A, Krzak J, Reiners K, Vogel LC, Harris GF. Evaluation of pediatric manual wheelchair mobility using advanced biomechanical methods. BioMed Research International. vol 2015; Article ID 634768, 11 pages. doi: 10.1155/2015/634768
Riordan A, Kelly EH, Mulcahey MJ, Betz RR, Vogel LC. Psychosocial outcomes among youth with spinal cord injury by neurological impairment. J Spinal Cord Med. 2015; 38:76-83. doi: 10.1179/2045772313Y.0000000162. PMID: 24621027
Schnorenberg AJ, Slavens BA, Wang M, Vogel LC, Smith PA, Harris GF. Biomechanical model for evaluation of pediatric upper extremity joint dynamics during wheelchair mobility. J Biomechanics. 2014; 47: 269-276. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech2013.11.014. PMID: 24309622
Hwang M., Zebracki K, Chlan K, Vogel LC. Longitudinal employment outcomes in adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 2014; 52:477-482. PMID: 24663002
January AM, Zebracki K, Chlan KM, Vogel LC. Symptoms of depression over time in adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014; 95: 447-454. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2013.11.011. PMID: 24316327
Hwang M, Zebracki K, Chlan K, Vogel LC. Longitudinal changes in medical complications in adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med. 2014 37:171-178. doi: 10.1179/2045772313Y.0000000150. PMID: 2409049
Klaas SJ, Kelly EH, Anderson CJ, Vogel LC. Depression and anxiety in adolescents with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2014; 20:13-22. doi 10.1310/SCI2001-13. PMID: 24574818
January AM, Zebracki K., Chlan K, Vogel L. Mental health and risk of secondary medical complications in adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2014; 20(1):1-12. doi 10.1310/SCI2001-1. PMID: 24574817
Flanagan A, Kelly EH, Vogel LC Psychosocial outcomes of youth with early onset spinal cord injury and those with spina bifida. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2013; 25:452-459. PMID: 23995670
Smith TF, Russell HF, Kelly EH, Mulcahey MJ, Betz RR, Vogel LC. Examination and Measurement of Coping among Adolescents with Spinal Cord Injury. Spinal Cord. 2013; 51:710-714. PMID: 23896670
Calhoun CL, Schottler J, Vogel LC. Recommendations for Mobility in Children with Spinal Cord Injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2013; 19(2):142-151. PMID: 23671384
Krisa L, Mulcahey MJ, Gaughan JP, Smith B, Vogel LC. Using a Limited Number of Dermatomes as a Predictor of the 56-Dermatome Test of the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury in the Pediatric Population. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2013; 19(2):114-120. PMID: 23671381
Bent LM, Mulcahey MJ, Kelly EH, Calhoun CL, Tian F, Ni P, Vogel LC, Haley SM. Validity of Computer Adaptive Tests of Daily Routines for Youth with Spinal Cord Injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2013; 19(2):104-113. PMID: 23671380
Hwang M, Zebracki K, Betz RR, Mulcahey MJ, Vogel LC. Normative blood pressure and heart rate in pediatric spinal cord injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2013; 19(2):87-95. PMID: 23671378
Kelly EH, Vogel LC. An Overview of Psychosocial Health among Youth with Spinal Cord Injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2013; 19(2):129-141. PMID: 23671383
Zebracki K, Hwang M, Patt P, Vogel L. Cardiovascular dysfunction and vitamin D deficiency in pediatric spinal cord injury. J Pediatr Rehabil Med.PMID: 23481891
Krisa L, Gaughan J, Vogel L, Betz RR, Mulcahey MJ. Agreement of repeated motor and sensory scores at individual myotomes and dermatomes in young persons with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2013; 51:75-81. PMID: 23147133
Chafetz RS, Gaughan JP, Calhoun C, Schottler J, Vogel LC, Betz RR, Mulcahey MJ. Relationship between neurological injury and patterns of upright mobility in children with spinal cord injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2013;19(1):31-41. PMID: 23678283
Chen Y, Tang Y, Vogel L, DeVivo MJ. Causes of Spinal Cord Injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2013;19(1):1-8.
Schottler J, Vogel L, Sturm P. Spinal cord injuries in young children: A review of children injured at five years of age and younger. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2012;54(12):1138-1143. PMID: 22998495
Kelly E, Klaas S, Garma S, Russell H, Vogel L. Participation and quality of life among youth with spinal cord injury. J Pediatr Rehabil Med. 2012;5:315-325.
Lindwall J, Russell H, Kelly E, Klaas S, Mulcahey M, Betz R, Vogel L. Coping and participation in youth with spinal cord injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2012; 18(3):220-231.
Kelly E, Mulcahey M, Klaas S, Russell H, Anderson C, Vogel L. Psychosocial outcomes among youth with spinal cord injury and their primary caregivers. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2012;18(1):67-72.
Hwang M, Chlan K, Vogel L, Zebracki K. Substance use in young adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2012;50(7):497-501. doi:10.1038/sc.2012.8. PMID: 22370762
Gorzkowski J, Kelly E, Klaas S, Vogel L. Obstacles to community participation among youth with spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med. 2011;34:576-585. PMID: 22330113
Chlan K, Zebracki K, Vogel L. Spirituality and life satisfaction in adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2011;49:371-375. doi:10.1038/sc.2010.80. PMID: 20603633
Vogel L, Chlan K, Zebracki K, Anderson C. Long-term outcomes of adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injuries as a function of neurological impairment. J Spinal Cord Med. 2011;34(1):60-66. PMID: 21528628
Garma S, Kelly E, Daharsh E, Russell H, Vogel L. Health related quality of life after pediatric spinal cord injury. J Pediatr Psychol. 2011;36:226-236. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsq037. PMID: 20435632
Zebracki K, Anderson C, Chlan K, Vogel L. Outcomes of adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury: Longitudinal findings and implications on transition to adulthood. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2010;16(1):17-25.
Gorzkowski J, Kelly E, Klaas S, Vogel L. Girls with spinal cord injury: Social and job-related participation and psychosocial outcomes. Rehabil Psychol. 2010;55:58-67. PMID: 20175635
Klaas S, Kelly E, Gorzkowski G, Homko E, Vogel L. Assessing patterns of participation and enjoyment in pediatric spinal cord injury. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010;52:468-474. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2009.03552. PMID: 20041932
Allen D, Mulcahey M, Haler S, DeVivo M, Vogel L, McDonald C, Duffy T, Betz R. Motor scores on the functional independence measure after spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2009;47:213-217. PMID: 18679405
Anderson J, Kelly E, Klaas S, Russell H, Daharsh E, Gorzkowski J, Vogel L. Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents with spinal cord injuries. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2009;51:826-832. PMID: 19416340
Schottler J, Vogel L, Chafetz R, Mulcahey M. Patient and caregiver knowledge of autonomic dysreflexia among youth with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord. 2009;47:681-686. PMID: 19274058
House L, Russell H, Kelly E, Gerson A, Vogel L. Rehabilitation and future participation of youth following spinal cord injury: Caregiver perspectives. Spinal Cord. 2009;47:882-886. PMID: 19528994
Chen Y, Anderson C, Vogel L, Chlan K, Betz R, McDonald C. Change in life satisfaction of adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008;89:2285-2292. PMID: 19061740
Vogel L, Sturm P. Management of patients with developmental and hereditary spinal cord disorders. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2008;14(2):53-62.
Anderson C, Vogel L, Chlan K, Betz R, McDonald C. Coping with spinal cord injury: Strategies used by adults who sustained their injuries as children or adolescents. J Spinal Cord Med. 2008;31:290-296. PMID: 18795479
Vogel L, Mendoza M, Schottler J, Chlan K, Anderson C. Ambulation in children and youth with spinal cord injuries. J Spinal Cord Med. 2007;30:S158-164. PMID: 17874702
Anderson C, Vogel L, Chlan K, Betz R, McDonald C. Depression in adults who sustained spinal cord injuries as children or adolescents. J Spinal Cord Med. 2007;k30:S76-82. PMID: 17874691
Shavelle R, DeVivo M, Vogel L, Strauss D, Paculdo D. Long-term survival after childhood spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med. 2007;30:S48-54. PMCID: 2031987
Chavetz R, Mulcahey M, Betz R, Anderson C, Vogel L, Gaughan J, O’Dell M, Flanagan A, McDonald C. Impact of prophylactic thoracolumbosacral orthosis bracing on functional activities and activities of daily living in the pediatric spinal cord injury population. J Spinal Cord Med. 2007;30:S178-183. PMID: 17874705
Anderson C, Vogel L, Willis K, Betz R. Stability of transition to adulthood among individuals with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med. 2006;29:46-56. PMID: 16572565
Vogel L, Anderson C, Betz R, Mulcahey M, McDonald C. The child with a high tetraplegic spinal cord injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2005;10(3):19-29.
Vogel L, Anderson C. Outcomes of adults with pediatric onset spinal cord injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2005;10(4): 109-115.
DeVivo M, Vogel L. Epidemiology of spinal cord injuries in children and adolescents. J Spinal Cord Med. 2004;27:S4-S10. PMID: 15503696
Hickey K, Vogel L, Willis K, Anderson C. Prevalence and etiology of autonomic dysreflexia in children with spinal cord injuries. J Spinal Cord Med. 2004;27:S54-S60. PMID: 15503704
Anderson C, Vogel L, Betz R, Willis K. Overview of adult outcomes in pediatric-onset spinal cord injuries: Implications for transition to adulthood. J Spinal Cord Med. 2004;27:S98-S106. PMID: 15503711
Johnson K, Klaas S, Vogel L, McDonald C. Leisure characteristics of the pediatric spinal cord injury population. J Spinal Cord Med. 2004;27:S107-S109. PMID: 15503712
Mulcahey M, Anderson C, Vogel L, DeVivo M, Betz R, McDonald C. Pediatric spinal cord injury: Evidence-based practice and outcomes. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2004;10(2):69-78.
Vogel L, Anderson C. Spinal cord injuries in children and adolescents: A review. J Spinal Cord Med. 2003;26:193-203. PMID: 14997957
Anderson C, Vogel L. Employment outcomes of adults who sustained spinal cord injuries as children or adolescents. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2002;83:791-801. PMID: 12048657
Anderson C, Krajci K, Vogel L. Community integration among adults who sustained spinal cord injuries sustained as children or adolescents. Dev. Med. Child Neurol. 2003;45:129-134. PMID: 12578239
Vogel L, Krajci K, Anderson C. Adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. Part 1: Prevalence of medical implications. J Spinal Cord Med. 2002;25:106-116. PMID: 12137214
Vogel L, Krajci K, Anderson C. Adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injuries. Part 2: Musculoskeletal and neurological complications. J Spinal Cord Med. 2002;25:117-123. PMID: 12137215
Vogel L, Krajci K, Anderson C. Adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injuries. Part 3: Impact of medical complications. J Spinal Cord Med. 2002;25:297-305. PMID: 12482173
Anderson C, Krajci K, Vogel L. Life satisfaction in adults with pediatric-onset spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med. 2002;25:184-190. PMID: 12214905
Anderson C, Vogel L. Work experience in adolescents with spinal cord injuries. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2000;42:515-517. PMID: 10981928
Hickey K, Anderson C, Vogel L. Pressure ulcers in pediatric spinal cord injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2000;6(suppl):85-90.
Vogel L, Anderson C. Adult outcomes and life-satisfaction of pediatric-onset spinal cord injuries: Implications. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2000;6(suppl):182-187.
Chaviano A, Matkov T, Anderson C, McGovern P, Vogel L. Mitrofanoff continent catheterizable stoma for pediatric patients with spinal cord injuries. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2000;6(suppl):30-35.
Anderson C, Vogel L. Preparation for employment in children and adolescents with spinal cord injuries. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2000;6(suppl):170-175.
Anderson C, Johnson K, Klaas S, Vogel L. Pediatric spinal cord injury: Transition to adulthood. J Vocat Rehabil. 1998;10:103-113.
Vogel L, Klaas S, Lubicky J, Anderson C. Long-term outcomes and life satisfaction of adults with pediatric spinal cord injuries. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1998;79:1496-1503. PMID: 9862289
Vogel L. Unique management needs of pediatric spinal cord injury patients: Etiology and pathophysiology. J Spinal Cord Med. 1997;20:10-13. PMID: 9097248
Vogel L, Mulcahey M, Betz R. The child with a spinal cord injury. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1997;39:202-207. PMID: 9112971
Vogel L, DeVivo M. Pediatric spinal cord injury issues: Etiology, demographics and pathophysiology. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 1997;3(2):1-8.
Vogel L, Lubicky J. Ambulation in children and adolescents with spinal cord injuries. J Pediatr Orthop. 1995;15:510-516. PMID: 7560045
Vogel L, Lubicky J. Ambulation with parapodia and reciprocating gait orthoses in pediatric spinal cord injury. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1995;37:957-964. PMID: 8566456
Other Chronic Health Conditions and Disabilities
Wingo BC, Rimmer J, Mehta TS, Vogel LC, Qu P. An exploratory study examining clinical measures of adiposity risk for predicting obesity in adolescents with physical disabilities. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. (in press).
Rimmer J, Yamaki K, Davis B, Wang E, Vogel L. Obesity and obesity-related secondary conditions in adolescents with intellectual/developmental disabilities. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2010;54(9):787-94. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2010.01305.x. PMID: 20630017
Drotar D, Greenley R, Hoff A, Johnson C, Lewandowski A, Moore M, Spilsbury J, Witherspoon D, Zebracki K. Summary of issues and challenges in the use of new technologies in clinical care and with children and adolescents with chronic illness. Child Health Care. 2006;35(1):91-102.
Hoff A, Palermo T, Schluchter M, Zebracki K. Drotar D. Longitudinal relationships of depressive symptoms to pain intensity and functional disability among children with disease-related pain. J Pediatr Psychol. 2006;31(10):1046-1056. PMID: 16150876
Zebracki K, Palermo T, Hostoffer R, Drotar D, Duff K. Health-related quality of life of children with primary immunodeficiency: A comparison to children with a chronic health condition and to health controls. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2004;93(6):557-561. PMID: 15609765
Drotar D, Walders N, Burgess E, Nobile C, Dasari M, Kahana S, Miller V, Schwartz L, Schaefer E, Zebracki, K. Recommendations to enhance comprehensive care for children with chronic health conditions. Child Serv Soc Pol Res Pract. 2001;4:251-264.